JLo Wants You To Stop Telling Her She Looks Good for 50


The global superstar reveals her biggest skincare secrets ahead of the launch of JLo Beauty.

All together now: “I’m youthful and timeless at every age, I’m youthful and timeless at every age, I’m youthful and timeless at every age.” That’s the affirmation international superstar Jennifer Lopez, who is in fact both youthful and timeless, repeats to herself each day. It’s also the mantra she wanted at the core of her first-ever beauty line, JLo Beauty, which launches January 1, 2021 on jlobeauty.com.

For Lopez, the line is an extension of a philosophy more than 20 years in the making: “The number one question, no matter where I went—if I was promoting a movie or whatever—was, ‘What are you doing for your skin?’” Lopez explains on a Zoom call from her cozy white-and-gray living room. “And then as I got more mature, the question came even more frequently. It was something I really wanted to do, to share those secrets—simple secrets. But I did want to share it.”

Lopez did, in fact, share those simple secrets; below, nine beauty and life tips to follow if you, well, want to look as good as JLo. Not good for anything—just good.

Practice daily affirmations.

“Every day, I say I am youthful and timeless at every age. I live a beautiful adventurous life with my children, and we’re all in perfect health, always. All of these great things you learn to say to yourself so there’s this positive self-talk in your head really does create a beautiful person on the inside who maintains a beautiful person on the outside.”

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