This Upstate Farmhouse Inspired a New Book


Lisa Przystup has thought a lot about home. Her home, yes, but also “home” in the broader sense of the word. In fact, she wrote a book on upstate interiors that came out today.

“Looking for a house is such an emotional thing,” she says. “It’s that same kind of fictitious precedent, like New Year’s Eve or buying a wedding dress.” Lisa and her husband, musician Jonathon Linaberry, saw 18 properties before finding their 1893 farmhouse in Delhi, New York. It was during the negotiation process, she says, “when the attachment really began.”

Four years later, “we’re in a real relationship with this house,” Lisa says. Though the home had seen numerous renovations by previous owners, there was still work to do to make it the couple’s own. Coming from a small, railroad-style Brooklyn apartment, Lisa and Jonathon craved simplicity and room to breathe—both mental and physical. They started by painting the floors and walls white (a design element Lisa had been dreaming about for more than 10 years), an initial choice that set the mood for the rest of the house. She describes the palette as “earth tones punctuated by other earth tones.”
