This Amazon Fashion Brand Is So, So Good for Kids


Style-obsessed parents, take note.

Before I had kids, I would wonder what my children’s shopping MO would be. Would I have zero problem handing over cash for the mini-me pieces from labels I personally shopped—or balk at the idea of spending on something that would be quickly outgrown, if not destroyed, by the rough-and-tumble living that is youth? Would I be thoughtful about everything I put their tiny bodies in or reach for the nearest clean thing and call it a day? Who knew!

The answer is a mixture of both, really. I love clothing and can’t ignore the cuteness of a really on-point, downsized look… but I’m also practical. The early months were a wash—how important was clothing if life was just a series of diaper changes and spit-up?—but now that my daughter is two, I really enjoy shopping for things I genuinely like. I tend to focus on pieces that are simply smaller versions of stuff I’d want to wear and, when possible, unisex in color or cut

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