Facebook cancels its cheapest VR headset to focus on pricier, more powerful models


Facebook on Tuesday announced it will discontinue sales of its entry-level Oculus Go headset as it focuses on its higher-end virtual-reality products.

“We’ll end sales of Oculus Go headsets this year as we double down on improving our offerings for Quest and Rift,” the company said in a blog post.

Facebook introduced the Go in May 2018 starting at $199. The device is an all-in-one VR headset capable of operating without tethering to a computer or relying on a smartphone for its computing power. Since then, Facebook has launched the $399 Quest, a more powerful all-in-one headset, and the $399 Rift S, which must be connected to a computer to function.

“Oculus Go’s success first proved that the all-in-one form factor can deliver highly immersive experiences,” the company said in its blog post.

The company has not disclosed sales of its VR headsets, but in its 2020 first quarter earnings in April, Facebook reported $297 million in revenue from its non-advertising businesses, which includes Oculus. That was up 80% compared to a year prior.

Facebook shipped 55,000 units of the Go in the first quarter of 2020, according to estimates provided by market research firm SuperData, a Nielsen company. By comparison, the company shipped 141,000 Quest units and a combined 87,000 units of the Rift and Rift S headsets in the same period, according to SuperData.

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