Americans yearn for a sense of nostalgia


Online interior design service Modsy says one of the key things people are looking for is a sense of nostalgia.

Part of Modsy’s third annual report to review interior design this year and coming trends for next year, that desire for nostalgia underscores the fact that traditional and classic styles were two of the biggest movers despite consistently being the least popular among Modsy customers in past years.

In fact, the traditional style of decorating grew 6% in popularity, while adding classic elements grew by 11%.

The increased popularity of traditional styles doesn’t mean that Mid-Century Modern is gone, however. Modsy’s report showed that Mod Visionary, a sub-style of Mid-Century Modern, grew in popularity this year. The company said this furniture is renowned for its functionality and works well in smaller spaces, which adds versatility to the home.

The preferred decorating style in 2020, according to the report, depended on where in the U.S. people lived. For example, in the Northeast and West Coast states with large metropolitan cities, Modern Decor was the most popular. But, people in the Midwest and South preferred redecorating with the Farmhouse style.

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