2021 Home Decor Trends According to the Pros


The idea of home took on a whole new meaning as soon as sheltering in place and lockdowns became a regular thing in 2020. And it wasn’t all bad. We got back to cooking at home, bonding with our partners/families/housemates and pets, and we did a bit of redecorating. In fact, home decor and furniture sites saw huge growth (more than a billion global visits in March 2020 alone) as a result of the pandemic.

Homes were getting upgraded in a major way, from entryways to home offices, and we were all into it as home became our sanctuary. So what’s in store for 2021? A little bit of the same with new trends emerging from a renewed sense of hope. We chatted up design and trend experts about 2021 decor trends that are sure to turn into decor classics.

The New Hygge

“2021 will be about creating connections to each other, to ourselves, to nature,” says Etsy’s trend expert Dayna Isom Johnson. “We’re embracing friluftsliv, the Norweigan concept of getting outdoors – think of it as the new hygge.” That means turning your home into a nature haven, with indoor plants that clear the air, provide peace of mind, and hint to the great outdoors, especially giving us a boost during grey winter days.

Spaces Reimagined

“We added workspaces to our living rooms, classrooms into our kitchens, and gyms to our bedrooms,” says Isom Johnson.This year, she says we’re reimagining our homes and incorporate pieces that help restore balance to our multi-functional spaces. (On Etsy, there has been a 399 percent increase in searches for wall or foldable desks, a 159 percent increase in searches for Murphy beds, and a 134 percent increase in searches for room dividers.)

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