So You’re Thinking About Buying a Watch…


With cancelled trips and parties put on hold, another idea to celebrate a milestone is investing in a watch.

In the spirit of wardrobe shopping and working towards buying pieces of quality over quantity, watches are a major player. Once was a seen as a status symbol, watches now hold a luxury of another kind: They’re a practical, beautifully made tool that doesn’t involve a screen.

For a first-time buyer, watches can be super intimidating. Learning about what makes a luxury timepiece luxurious helps put the price tag in perspective. And so does the cost-per-wear factor. Watches are meant to survive multiple generations while maintaining their value, can the same be said for a pair of designer sneakers?

While shopping for a watch is not ideal while stores are closed, it is the kind of purchase that requires proper planning and time to think through. Narrowing down what best suits one’s personal style as well as considering practicality and longevity, is the first step in watch-hunting. See below for some ideas to help determine what pillars matter to you.

The Heritage

Cartier’s iconic Pantheré watch is a classic style with deep roots in the history of the brand. Inspired by the long history of the panther as the muse of the maison, its spotted print appeared for the first time in an onyx and diamond encrusted watch.

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