More people are putting up holiday decor early this year


Perhaps because people are spending more time at home, they’ll take any excuse to brighten things up in this crazy year.

Getting ready for the holidays is happening earlier this year, perhaps because people are spending more time at home and they’ll take any excuse to brighten things up in this crazy year.

“Surprisingly, everyone is pretty excited,” said Isaac Beverstock, the lead designer with Christmas Decor by Second Nature Landscapes.

They tell 13News their business is already getting a lot of calls.

“People are home this year,” said Beverstock. “People got a lot closer to their families this year. People are having a lot of family over this year, hopefully in a safe manner, and they just want to make the most out of this year because it’s kind of been a depressing year for a lot of people.”

So people are already preparing to put up their Christmas lights earlier this year.

Now, before all the grinches out there freak out about seeing decorations before Thanksgiving, there are ways to adjust your decorations for different holidays.

“If we’re utilizing light in the decor, there’s a lot of cool products out there now that will help with that transition with different color schemes,” said Beverstock. “Like for Halloween, you can run orange and purple.”

The lights they use can be programmed electronically so this doesn’t mean you have to hang new lights for every holiday.

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