Makeup and masks: Beauty tips for summer and coronavirus


It’s hot outside. Summer means a natural look and lighter makeup, but wearing a face mask adds another challenge, making it easier to sweat off all your hard work. With your lips and cheeks hidden, the focus is all on the eyes this season. But even if half of your face is covered, there’s still lots to work with. Lashes and eyelids can handle bright, fun colors that match your skin and can even go with the color of your mask.

Two Chicago makeup artists, Angela Goss of Angela Makeup Chicago and Jill Glaser, owner of the Makeup First School, offer a few product recommendations and general advice for people to try new looks, express themselves and still stay safe.

The eyes are where it’s at

It’s the perfect time to discover your summer colors and be bold. Glaser suggests trying bright colors and having fun. She’s seen yellows and greens trending this summer. ”Play up the eyes and the eyebrows. Now’s the time to play with color,” Glaser said. She recommends the Viseart palettes for a vibrant summer look.

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