How To Dress: How To Be Stylish And Dress Better


Working in fashion for over 20 years, people often ask me for my tips on what they should be wearing, how they should be wearing it, what trends to buy into and what is woefully out of fashion.

As someone who principally loves fashion for its self-expression, for its ability to speak for its wearer and tell the world how that person is feeling, I am always reluctant to tell anyone how to dress or enforce any rules. As far as I am concerned, wearing what you feel like – and what makes you feel like you – is the only fundamental.

However, there are a few tips, tricks and hacks that I have learnt over the years. From that necklace that elevates basics to the benefits of regular clear-outs and changing room mantras (‘thou shalt not impulse buy’), they help me when buying something or putting together an outfit in the morning, whether I am working from home or getting ready to reemerge into a brighter new world post lockdown.

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