No matter how killer your makeup look is or how beautiful your skin looks, lustrous hair always helps you look the best. To make that possible, we all love to stack our shelves with beauty products to get the job done. Regardless of if they work or not, that’s not the only way you should invest in your haircare regime. There are a lot of factors that contribute to overall hair health. And with the upcoming festivities, you sure want your tresses to stay in fabulous condition every single time. Aren’t we all also thinking to refresh our looks to add a zing to the upcoming festival celebrations? We put together a low maintenance guide with some simple hair care tips that often gets ignored but mind you, they are the basic and important ones to bring the focus back to your mane.
When you’re trying to grow your hair thicker and longer, the process can seem to take forever. A simple way to stimulate hair growth at home is to give yourself a scalp massage. Adding a nutrient-rich oil to the mix will only double the benefits. Castor oil is the unsung hero of the hair world. To give yourself a hot oil treatment, massage the oil into your scalp and then apply it all the way to the ends of your strands. Hair is especially susceptible to breakage when it’s wet. If you’re trying to grow your hair, we recommend air-drying your hair and avoiding any heat tools.
Hair fall is a messy problem that affects us all. The crisis starts when it falls a lot more or refuses to grow back. Oiling improves blood circulation and nourishes the roots. Make sure to massage your tresses once a week with oil that suits your scalp. Even stress can be hard on your hair and is also one of the biggest contributors to hair loss. De-stressing activities like meditation or hobbies can relieve the stress and anxieties of daily life. Green tea is super rich in antioxidants and that helps in boosting hair growth and preventing hair loss. Apply warm green tea from the used tea bags over your scalp and leave it for an hour. Wash it off with cool water.
Dandruff is a common scalp disorder that can be very vexing. It generally occurs due to dry and irritated skin. Massage 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice into your scalp and let it sit for a minute. Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into 1 cup of water and rinse your hair with it. Do this right before your shower daily for best results.
A major hair problem that’s faced by every one of us – dry and frizzy hair can be a nuisance. Frizzy hair is mainly caused by a lack of moisture. Deep conditioning on a weekly or bi-weekly basis is a great way to bring moisture back into the hair. Also, scalp build-up can be another reason for frizzy hair and dryness. A simple home remedy can help – take 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice and 2 cups of warm water. Combine to create a clarifying rinse. For an all-natural moisturising and strengthening treatment, an avocado hair mask can help you with it.
In today’s time, getting enough sleep is a godsend privilege. Lack of sleep not only puts you in a bad mood but also affects your hair. Make sure to get at least seven to eight hours of stress-free sleep on most days to keep your hair in a good condition.
Yes, cleaning your hair and scalp is important but doing it way too often can be troublesome. Shampooing twice a week should be enough to keep your hair clean. Whenever there’s no time for a proper shampoo, dry shampoo is your friend and saviour.
No matter what products you use, if you are not eating healthy, it will reflect on your hair. Alternatively, one of the most buzzed ingredients, biotin plays an important role as a supplement for your hair and helps to promote stronger and healthier hair.
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