Ageing is a process that begins right from birth and there is nothing anyone can do to delay or stop it. However, as the urge to look younger has caught up amongst the modern population, more and more options and opportunities to look and appear younger have become available. Dr Pramod Kumar, Consultant Dermatologist, KMC Hospital, Mangalore, says, “Changes in the skin, especially on the face, show up as signs of ageing in the third decade onwards. Prominent changes are wrinkles and creases.”
Dr Kumar shares some tips which can delay the process of appearance of wrinkles, tanning, spots and other signs of ageing.
Sunrays can damage collagen and elastin in the skin; these fibres keep the skin supple and taut. Damage to this tissue leads to sagging, laxity and development of wrinkles and creases. Dr Kumar says, “Regular use of a good suitable sunscreen with SPF of 20 and above helps in delaying this process of ageing. Remember, sunscreens have to be used even on cloudy days, as UV rays pass through clouds too. Also remember that 30-40 minutes of sun on your skin is advisable so as not to end up with Vitamin D deficiency.”
Well-hydrated skin is a sign of healthy skin. Moisturising the skin from within and without definitely works on the wrinkles, especially on the face and limb extremities. Dr Kumar suggests, “Drink lots of water as per body’s requirement and depending on the climate and geographical area. On an average, about two litres per day is a good quantity. Habit of staying adequately hydrated keeps the rest of the physiology and metabolism in top condition and reflects well on the skin. Use of a proper moisturiser on the skin helps maintain the water content in the skin.”
Additionally, ask your dermatologist to recommend an appropriate face wash; do not use harsh cleansers and scrubs that damage your skin. Dermatologists recommend retinol based lotions and creams for regular use as they have a role in keeping collagen fibres functioning well.
‘You are what you eat’ is an often repeated mantra by wellness coaches, nutrition experts and doctors. Yes, your skin does reveal your nutritional intake in various ways, and signs of ageing is one of them. Dr Kumar advises, “Eat a good quantity of vegetables, fruit and nuts in your daily meals. Stick to what is available seasonally in your market and region. Vegetables provide a lot of fresh vitamins and minerals that are good for your skin. Vegetables can be consumed raw in salads as cooking destroys the goodness in them, and fresh fruit is better eaten than consumed as juice or extract. Do not overeat something due to its said nutritional facts, eat in moderation, mix and match well.”