I Interviewed My Friends on Their Mascara Application Methods and Learned So Much


I’ve got my mascara application technique down to a science. In order to get a long, fanned-out, super-voluminous lash look, I give the eyelashes in the outer corners of my eyes a little extra attention, and I always blink into the mascara brush a few times before working the tool from root to tip. After much trial and error over the years, I’ve also figured out how to avoid most smears and smudges on my eyelids while applying mascara.

Even though I’m fully satisfied with my own mascara step-by-step, I’m forever curious about how others enhance their lashes. So, I decided to interview a few of my friends about their personal mascara application tips and tricks.

Ahead, a few incredibly helpful eyelash hacks I learned from them along the way.

Start With a Clean Canvas

One of my friends told me that she always starts by washing her face before putting on mascara. She feels that her eyelashes look longer when they are clean and fresh. After that, she moves on to applying her makeup.

Personally, I find that starting with clean lashes helps the product adhere better too.
