Students present innovations in technology to battle Covid-19


From a mask-vending machine to software that detects COVID-19, youngsters demonstrated an array of innovations on Saturday at an event to promote technological inventions vis-a-vis the pandemic.

The ‘Innovations Unlocked Kerala Student Innovators Meet’ by the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) proved the quality of talent in countering the pandemic since the start of the nation-wide lockdown four months ago. Also, the virtual event selected innovators to groom them as entrepreneurs.

More than 150 models were displayed at the interactive forum which featured 300 participants in the virtual expo held by KSUM in association with Wadhwani Foundation.

The foundation creates jobs for new-age enterprisers and TCS DISQ, an initiative of Tata Consultancy Service Foundation, to groom change-makers, a press release from KSUM said.

Of the 150-plus items demonstrated, 21 were selected by the KSUM following an appraisal.

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