Home decor: 4 quick summer pick-me-ups


While staycationing at home this summer (sigh, sob), I have consoled myself by looking for ways to perk up my days and my house without draining my retirement fund. In particular, I have been seeking easy ways to make what’s old and tired look new and fresh, or at least better. So I asked a few friends for their favorite fast fixes. Here are four that work:

Flip those chairs: When my colleague Cindy told me she found some slipcovers for her dining room chairs, I had to stifle a yawn, picturing those saggy, baggy, rumply cotton covers that hark back to the days of shabby chic.

“Noooo,” she assured me. “These are like Spanx for your furniture.”

Now she had my attention. She showed me pictures. These were not your grandmother’s slipcovers. They smoothly hugged the chair backs and seats, and did not drop to the floor in a fussy, dust-collecting way. They come in a variety of colors, prints and fabrics, including velvet. “I can switch them up for the holidays,” she said.

Cindy bought a set of four Ogrmar chair covers for $36 on Amazon, and in 20 minutes, her plain beige kitchen chairs were sporting a fun summer floral, perking up the room. Easy shmeasy.

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