Yes, you can dye your hair with Kool-Aid


With many salons and spas temporarily closed, people have had to resort to DIY beauty services. They’ve tried their hands at quarantine haircuts, DIY facials and at-home spa services, and even dabbled in a bit of DIY hair color.

In recent weeks, Kool-Aid hair color has emerged as one of quarantine’s hottest trends, and the vibrant, summery colors this grocery store staple creates has helped boost the mood of hair lovers across the country.

But how does the sugary powder actually color your strands? And how do you get Kool-Aid out of your hair? TODAY Style got hair experts to break down everything you need to know about this fun trend.

Kool-Aid hair color has definitely exploded during quarantine, but it’s not actually a new trend.

“People have been using Kool-Aid to color their hair since the ‘80s (possibly even earlier) and, yes, it really works. I know from firsthand experience, having been a teenager in the 1980s, that using Kool-Aid to color your hair can be a fun, inexpensive, super accessible way to get some fun colors in your hair,” Deb Rosenberg, lead colorist and AVP of education at Color&Co, told TODAY Style.

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