How To Lose 5 Pounds Fast


Expert hacks for speeding up your metabolism and upgrading your daily routine in a matter of days.

You don’t need to count calories, cut calories, or drop carbs to quickly change the way you feel in your body. There are healthy and sustainable ways to reduce bloating and feel fitter (if that’s your goal) without deprivation. After all, weight loss is not the same as fat loss. It’s relatively easy to drop a few pounds of water weight, but if you’re looking to change your body composition, that will come down to tweaking either your calories in our your calories out (or both). Ahead, the best expert hacks for speeding up your metabolism and upgrading your daily routine in a matter of days.

Drink Two Glasses of Water Before Every Meal
“It sounds counterintuitive, but you need to drink water to lose water,” says Lauren Slayton, a nutritionist and founder of Foodtrainers in New York. Along with drinking a minimum of 64 ounces daily, Slayton recommends front-loading meals with two cups of H2O “for maximum appetite reduction; it’ll make you feel full and help you eat less.” Adds Vanessa Packer, a holistic nutritionist at Model­Fit in New York, “Avoid seltzer and sparkling water—they cause bloating.”

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