40 Fashion Captions to Post on Instagram


Whether you’re IG famous for your bomb-ass outfit inspiration or just the stylish one in your friend group, chances are you’ve posted more than a few outfit-of-the-day (#OOTD) photos. But when you’re churning out look after look, you might be running low on ideas—and I’m not talking about outfit ideas.

Everyone knows the hardest part of putting together a good Instagram post is finding the right caption to go with it. If you’ve exhausted your best friends with texts that say, “What should I write with this?” let us help. We’ve rounded up the best fashion captions inspired by pop culture, movies, shows, songs, famous fashion quotes, and funny sayings to make it easy on ya. So after you’ve picked out your outfit and landed on your favorite photo from the bunch, go ahead and choose from one of the below sayings so you can go ahead and (finally) post it already.

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