Full House Furniture offers quirky, unique items


From the space that used to be occupied by an auto body shop, customers now browse unique and interesting furnishings as well as items for home decor at Full House Furniture.

The mood suggested is one also for those looking for something different to set off their living space just right.

“I call it quirky,” said Donna Adams, owner. “This is not a run-of-the-mill furniture store. We look for unique pieces that allow our customers to express themselves in their choice of furnishings.”

Adams obtains her merchandise from a variety of sources, in many cases, obtaining one-of-a-kind items.

“Most of what we have in stock probably hasn’t been seen in Texarkana,” she said. “You might have seen it, or something like it online Most customers have commented that Texarkana needed quirky kinds of offerings.”

Adams said she got the idea for the store from her daughter, who was working at a similar place in Waco, Texas, while in school.

“Mom visited me while I was there and she had a chance to have a look at the place,” said Brooke Adams. “The idea stuck with her.”

Donna Adams worked for Wayne Goodson for 10 years, keeping the books of the auto body shop. After he retired, she ran the idea by him. He suggested she open the store in his former auto body space.

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