7 Sophisticated Co-working Spaces That Prove Office Culture Will Survive


If working remotely for a year and a half has taught ambitious professionals anything, it’s that some people—those in less conservative fields—can work from just about anywhere. And though punching away at a laptop’s keys from the comfort of the kitchen table or a makeshift home office was a much-welcomed luxury at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s gotten a bit old, and plenty of people are ready for a change of scenery. Enter: coworking spaces that offer everything from in-house cafés to dedicated quiet rooms.

Though some may not be aching to get back to the office, there’s an element of productivity that comes with simply getting dressed and going somewhere—even if it’s just for a few hours. Plus, doesn’t home feel even more special after returning from a long day away? Luckily, coworking spaces are popping up in nearly every hardworking metropolis across the U.S.

The Wing

Founded in 2016, The Wing boasts stylish outposts in West Hollywood, San Francisco, and three multistory locations in Manhattan. It’s a women-focused working space that offers way more than just super-fast Wi-Fi and business class printers; there are live events, networking opportunities, beauty spaces, and pumping rooms, to name a few of the benefits. Jen Cho, head of marketing and communications, says, “It has been exciting to see how we are a solution for so many in this new world we are living in.”

The Wing has always been big on live events and programming, which is going through a pretty significant change this fall. Cho explains, “Although we do have some great guests come to speak, we are focusing on events that provide support for our members. Event topics will focus on professional development, education on finance and investing, entrepreneurial support, work-life balance, and wellness.”

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