Tips On Getting A New Job By Elevating Your Stylefashion


How to Elevate Your Essentials with The Fashion Muse

Prissy Torres of The Fashion Muse is a Miami based Latina influencer/blogger who has been in the industry for over 5+ years. Having started this out as a hobby with zero understanding on gaining profit or even a following out of this, Prissy began blogging about all things style. Throughout time her platform generated bigger interaction and traffic which led to her brand growing outside of the fashion category. Now inspiring others through beauty and her lifestyle, Prissy has worked alongside brands such as; Vogue, Amazon, Google, and has been featured on People Magazine’s Influencers to watch list.

In an industry that is constantly evolving, As an influencer, she knew she had to be unique. In March 2020, when Covid began, she felt that it was the perfect timing to become much more than just an influencer title. With everyone being at home and many having lost their jobs, she wanted to do something that would inspire others to excel amid the chaos that was unfolding in society, careers and just life in general. She expanded The Fashion Muse to be much more than just a platform that women can turn to for style advice and inspiration.

With her background in Public & Influencer Relations, she wanted to disrupt the idea of the influencer industry being a community that was just viewed as one sponsored post after another and a community that just viewed each other as competition. This is where it all began. Her story is especially important to me because I report on dress for success. Since March, she has taken on influencers under her wing that have definitely pioneered this industry into what it is today. Mega Influencers like Kathleen Lights work alongside my brand to further expand their own businesses on socials and revenue.

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