NDAA Inclusions Prioritize Pentagon Emerging Technology Pursuits


The legislation’s inclusions would mandate new investments across AI, quantum information science, biotechnology and more.

Though noticeably light on certain cybersecurity measures, the proposed U.S. defense spending bill for 2022 incorporates many provisions that would mandate new research, pilot programs, oversight and strategies to advance the Pentagon’s adoption of modern and emerging technologies.

The House on Tuesday passed the National Defense Authorization Act conference report, or legislative text that was previously mutually approved by both chambers’ Armed Services Committee leaders. Next, the Senate must pass the legislation, which proposes $768 billion for defense and national security funding.

“This year the defense bill focuses on transforming [the Defense Department] to better deter our adversaries while taking advantage of new, innovative technologies and implementing [a] more cost-effective approach to develop and acquire crucial platforms,” House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., said.

Here’s a rundown of some notable emerging technology-aligned inclusions in the latest version of the more-than-2,000-page NDAA:

Artificial Intelligence

DOD has made multiple strategic moves to prioritize AI and machine learning in recent years.

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