Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande Have Found the Ultimate Waterproof Makeup


There are some beauty looks so bold, they can withstand—and enhance—any possible conditions. The point was proven today by “Rain On Me” duo Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande, who played off the vibes of their recently released music video with a silly social media share elevated by a coordinated and shockingly waterproof makeup moment.

From distanced locations in Los Angeles and New York, Gaga and Grande reported on storms of their own making, all while blinking through ample amounts of falling water and lids edged in bright white. The alabaster statements were a riff on their music video looks and applied with remote help from each of the pop star’s longtime makeup artists. “The [“Rain On Me”] element that really stood out among the rest—and I really didn’t see it coming—was the white eyeliner look that I did on Gaga and Michael Anthony did on Ari,” says makeup artist Sarah Tanno of the original look, which inspired today’s aesthetic riff. “White liner hasn’t been done in so long, so we wanted it to have a major moment.”

For the eye-level re-creation, Tanno tested some looks on herself, sending Gaga footage so she could pick her favorite. In the end, Gaga—with some help from Tanno via FaceTime—applied a shadow base before packing on shade 911 from Haus Labs’s new Stupid Love palette. “We never tested [911] to be waterproof, and I cannot even believe it stayed on, because that’s all she used,” says Tanno.

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