Democrats don’t acknowledge what’s happening in our cities: Goodwin


Who needs conventions, who needs crowded arenas? Democrats used the magic of technology and clever casting to give their party a passable first night.

Forced by the coronavirus to create a make-believe gathering, planners employed all of Silicon Valley’s bells and whistles to present a simulated intimacy involving both ordinary people and party stars.

Minus a few glitches, the flow was seamless, sometimes too smooth to be credible. We saw more of Joe Biden via taped videos than we have in the last four months of the campaign.

In the real world, he’s been hiding in his basement. Monday night, he was here, there and everywhere, shaking hands, embracing people, giving flawless, forceful speeches.

You know there was heavy editing because he never once got stuck in a tongue twister or got lost in a long sentence. If he’s really that good, why has he been hiding?

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