These are the beauty products + tips every mama will love in 2021


2021 is finally here, and if you’re like me you’re trying to find small ways to improve your long, hard days. I’ve found that making small beauty upgrades makes me feel beautiful, and at times even productive. If I don’t do anything for myself for the day (because you know, kids rule my life), I’m certain putting on a coat of mascara or eyeliner will make me feel so good about myself. That’s why I caught up with a few pros in the beauty industry to get the scoop on what we should look out for in the new year.

Ready for better skin in 2021? Dr. Stacy Chimento of Riverchase Dermatology offers three beauty tips every mama should consider in the new year:

1. Don’t over-exfoliate your skin.

“Exfoliate one to two times per week—start on the lower end and increase frequency as needed,” she says. “Any more than that can result in irritation or throw off your skin’s pH balance.” bottom line: too much exfoliating will do more harm than good.

2. Don’t pick pimples.

“It’s virtually human nature to see a pimple and want to squeeze it,” she says. “But there is a medical art to doing it the right way that dermatologists and aestheticians are trained in so as not to leave pockmarks in the skin. In addition, more deep-rooted acne such as comedones (under the skin) requires the tools and skills of a dermatologist.”

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