Katie Holmes Won Street Style This Year


As 2020 comes to a close, we’re declaring it now: Katie Holmes was the best-dressed celebrity on the streets. That’s not to say she was the flashiest, or wore the most buzzed about labels, though. Instead, we mean that Holmes, who turns 42 today, completely nailed the fashion vibe of 2020. Namely, being comfortable but somehow still put-together at the same time. She toed the line between aspirational and relatable perfectly. She rarely stepped out in sweats, the garment of the year, instead turning to classic wardrobe staples that struck the balance between being comfortable and chic. In a year where dressing down was all but a mandate, she still made casual look cool.

Dressing in 2020 was a total challenge in itself. With nowhere to go or to be seen, it was easy to put fashion aside in favor of cozy sweats or PJs. But knowing that the paparazzi lingered at every street corner, Holmes put in the extra effort for her city-outing ensembles—and it paid off. Even so, she never looked over-styled or ridiculous: her outfits were fashion-forward, but never flashy or tone deaf, considering the current moment. She even made pieces such as Bottega Veneta’s trending (and tricky) square-toe mules look completely casual and effortless by wearing them with a Canadian Tuxedo.

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