Show off your craft swag with themed decor


The turkey dinner leftovers are all gone. The pies have all been gobbled up. The virtual Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping is complete.

It’s now officially time to start decorating for Christmas (unless, of course, you already have … no judgment here)! As I pull out the boxes and bins of Christmas decor and pick through what will deck my halls, I also love to check out what is new and trendy in the holiday decor world.

This year’s research has led me to three great themed Christmas decor ideas. I’m hoping to incorporate one or two of them into my design plans. And, with two Christmas trees and multiple rooms to decorate with holiday cheer, I have plenty of options. This year’s ideas are centered around classic vintage, rustic farmhouse and winter white. For more ideas, check out our Christmas Crafts, Recipes and More board on Pinterest.

Classic vintage

If you’re looking to bring a bit of nostalgia to your holidays this year, time to dig through the old boxes of decorations you haven’t peeked at in decades. You never know what types of retro treasures are waiting to be uncovered. If you don’t have a secret stash of old, forgotten Christmas boxes, don’t fret. There are beautiful recreations of those beloved designs that can be found online at eBay, Etsy, West Elm and even in some box stores.

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