iPhone 12 MagSafe – what it tells us about iPhone 13


The iPhone 12’s biggest surprise for me was its magnetic MagSafe charging, and when it was revealed I practically had a vision about the iPhone 13. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

If you haven’t heard, Apple’s using magnets to allow for easier Qi-charging on its iPhone 12, as the MagSafe charger just snaps to the back of the iPhone. You can even snap a wallet attachment to your phone as well (though it moves around a little bit in your pocket).

The arrival of MagSafe to the iPhone, and not USB-C, may have been a disappointment for many. Samsung has been using USB-C in phones since 2016’s Galaxy Note 7, and Apple typically doesn’t wait this long to catch up.

MagSafe, though, could be Apple’s out for USB-C. In fact, Apple’s history gives us reason to think it could skip USB-C for the iPhone and go completely wireless.

Why MagSafe could kill Lightning in the iPhone 13

Apple added the Lightning connector in 2012, with the iPhone 5 and its iPods. Ever since, that port has taken over all iPhones and multiple iPads. It’s good for fast charging and capable at data transfers. But like many things, Apple will inevitably replace it with something else. Just ask the 30-pin dock connector, which lasted 11 years (Lightning is approaching that mark, currently at 8).

As I referenced in an article about Lightning headphones in 2016, there’s a corrosion issue in the plug side of the Lightning port that causes poor connectivity. One of my colleagues is having Lightning port troubles right now, and that’s pushing him to update to the iPhone 12.

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