Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, By Zodiac Sign


You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!

Does the thought of competition rev you up or make you feel intimidated? This is a good week to figure that out, because the Seven of Wands brings rivalry and challenges into our sphere in order to help us thrive. You can do this—in fact, you need to. See this week’s action as a learning opportunity to strengthen your voice and your confidence. Keep your head held high.

You’re in the mood for fun, which is good news for the people around you (but maybe not your neighbors). The Knight of Cups brings romance, friendship, social events, exciting invitations, and travel your way—all of which you’re happy to accept, thank you very much. Enjoy this phase and make the most of it. You could use a break from the everyday grind.

Your stubbornness is only hurt you right now, Taurus, so force yourself out of this rut. The Four of Coins warns you that you’re in danger of getting stuck somewhere, or with someone, doing something that isn’t good for you. So shake things up. Change your routine. Do things a little differently. It’s time for a change.

Major love life plot developments this week, Gem. Whatever your love sitch is, the Ten of Cups turns up the heat. If you’re single, look for sexy and creative water signs (that’s Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer). If you’re dating, then expect a wonderfully romantic and sizzling date night. If you’re attached, then things could reach the ~next level~. And if you’re not feeling your current connection, then be ready for things to take a dramatic upturn….or for someone new to sweep you off your feet.

Education is the theme of the week, Cancer, with the studious Page of Coins. Whether you’re looking into heading back to school, taking a night class, watching a tutorial video, listening to (or creating!) a new podcast, or reading up on a topic that enthralls you…go all-in. You’re ready for a dose of new ideas and insights. Who knows where it might lead? The Page of Coins often brings material rewards for good behavior!

You’re ready to start a new phase, and it’s been a long, long time coming. There’s an old, die-hard habit that you’re ready to let go of, possibly related to money, work, home, or health. Maybe it’s a new wellness routine or lifestyle change that you know will be good for you. Maybe it’s a new savings or investment strategy that will help you put pennies away for a rainy day. Maybe it’s even a course or mentorship opportunity that will help you get further in your career. You won’t see results immediately, but it’s the right thing to do, and you know it. Start this week.

Justice is an important theme for you because you like to be proven right. Good news for you, Virgo, because the Justice card says that’s exactly what’s coming this week. The key here is to receive it with good grace. Don’t gloat! Everyone makes mistakes, and your time will come too. Treat the other how you’d like to be treated in that situation. Karma is watching and taking notes.

Ready for a little choose-your-own-adventure story, Libra? Good, because the Knight of Wands brings you lots of possible plot twists this week. You’ll get the chance spontaneously explore your surroundings in a new way, with new people, doing new things! New is the key word here—be open to the unexpected. This is a week that could bring exciting opportunities, if you follow the right threads. It’s all up to you.

The Magician is a wonderful card of creativity, entrepreneurship, and talent. It’s about making the most of what you’ve go, to get to where you need to go. You’re ~on fire~ right now, Scorpio. This is a great time to research or launch new ventures, apply for a new job, or create something new. Head in the direction of your best life!

Don’t worry, my friend—this is all going to be okay, and you’ll make it through this rough patch in one piece. If you had faith in that, would it change how much time you spend worrying? I hope so, because you need to release yourself from this anxiety spiral. The Nine of Swords tells you to talk things through with someone. When spoken out loud, much of your worries will just evaporate into nothing. Most of your fear is unfounded, and what isn’t can be made manageable. Talk!

Did you know that The Devil is your sign’s tarot card? That’s because it represents Saturn, your ruling planet. Expect some big, life-changing stuff to unfold this week. This involves some things that are personal to you alone. It signals that a ~growing up~ phase has come to an end, and you can now reap the rewards of your wisdom, experience, and resilience. Challenges make us stronger, and you’ve had more than your fair share. The Devil is a prompt to understand your growth. You’re a work in progress, but you’ve also come a long way.

Party, have fun, mingle, and seek the pleasures in life. The Three of Cups has a happy, joyful vibe. It asks you to remember that we’re here for a good time, not a long time. Life is short. Fill it up with good experiences, positive people, memorable moments, and happy accidents (as Bob Ross would say). Organize some indulgent treats for yourself and those you love and like this week. Celebrate being alive!

Death often makes people shudder, but it’s not a negative card at all, and it doesn’t mean literal ~death~ okay? It hints you’re going through something major right now, and it’s creating significant changes in your identity and outlook. An ~old version~ of you is fading away, to be replaced by a new version. You change all the time. You’re not the same person you were this time last week. Right now, you can actually feel this transformation taking place. Let it flow. Notice and celebrate your personal evolution.

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