Every Wild Fact About Taylor Swift’s Cats: Olivia Benson, Meredith Grey, and Benjamin Button


I know that the combination of “Taylor Swift” and the word “cats” may cause alarming flashbacks to the musical-turned-movie/horror show Cats, so please be advised that we’re here to talk about Taylor Swift’s actual, physical cats. Tay-Tay has three of ’em: two Scottish Folds named Meredith Grey and Olivia Benson, and a Ragdoll named Benjamin Button. She’s had Meredith since 2011 and Olivia since 2014, while Benjamin has been part of the Swift family since 2019. And in case you assumed incorrectly, these cats are quite literally living a better quality of life than most humans on this earth, and they definitely know it. There’s quite a lot of information to know about these furry felines (sorry), so please settle in, put on Cats the musical to get a mood going (lol, I kid, I kid), and prepare to educate yourself on this extremely important topic.

But before we begin, go ahead and try to tell me this isn’t the whiskered face of someone who’s well aware that she’s richer than you:

Here’s Taylor with one of her cat children in NYC:

And here’s Olivia in her cat carrier, which—and I cannot emphasize this enough—I’d very much love to be transported in:

Don’t worry, you can buy one:

I mean, his IMDb credits only include a starring role in the music video for “ME!”

These two actually met and fell in love while filming (wow, another Hollywood on-set romance!). Watch below for Taylor’s powerful first moments with her son, as well as a joke she made about giving birth to him (help).

As in, Olivia Benson from Law & Order: SVU, Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy, and Benjamin Button from, um, Benjamin Button.

I’ll give you a moment to scream into the void because yes, Olivia Benson is a millionaire who is richer than all of us. At least, according to the 2018 Pet Rich List (IT’S A THING, OKAY?) which places Olivia behind Grumpy Cat, whose net worth is $99.5 million. And if you’re wondering how Olivia has made so much money, apparently it has to do with her vast commercial work. She’s an ACTEUR.

And frankly, Benjamin works very hard promoting Taylor’s music, so he also deserves a cut:

Or, at least, they had their own merch back in 2018.

Don’t be sad the merch is a thing of the past, though, because you can still buy fan-made t-shirts on Etsy:

Rude to Benjamin and Meredith, but okay.

Including her b-day cake. No comment other than the fact that I WILL be seeing this in my nightmares tonight:

Kay, BRB it’s time for me to have a very serious conversation with my dog about how he’s not pulling his weight in our personal brand.

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