Heather Martin Explains Why She Rolled Up to ‘The Bachelor’ in a Minivan


Last night on The Bachelor, Hannah Brown’s BFF and fellow Bachelor Nation alum Heather Martin just “happened” to find herself in the middle of Pennsylvania, and just “happened” to hop in the nearest available limo minivan and surprise Matt James and Chris Harrison, the latter of whom was simply SHOCKED by her totally unexpected arrival!

But circling back to that whole minivan thing real quick. Bachelor Nation simply could not with Heather rolling up in this thing, and frankly the people demand answers:

So…what TF happened here? According to Heather, this was simply the car she was offered at the rental place. To quote: “When you pull up to the rental car place and they ask if you want a mini van the answer is always yes.”

On the one hand: mystery solved. On the other hand: I still have so many questions.

Two girls wore this dress to meet Bachelor Matt James for a REASON.

Did you know Chris Harrison wrote an R-rated erotic novel? You do now.

If you like Kit Keenan from Matt James’ season, you’ll love her designer mom’s line of masks.

Hannah Brown wears this trendy piece regularly. Aren’t the daisies on the inside the cutest?

The perfect mix of style and comfort, which is great if your dates look anything like the show’s.

What’s better than one rose? A whole gemstone-colored bouquet, that’s what.

Madison Prewett spent her season sobbing without a single Lauren Conrad tear thanks to this.

If you missed a few eps (or seasons…) catch up easily on Hulu and kiss your free time goodbye.

You love all the nitty-gritty deets on Bachelor Nation. So do we. Let’s overanalyze them together. ✔️

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