9 Green Beauty Tips for a More Sustainable Personal Care Routine


So, you’ve decided to green your beauty routine: You want to make it more sustainable, less plastic-dependent, more DIY and less filled with potentially toxic chemicals. That’s great! But where do you start?

The first and most important thing to know—and this goes for all kinds of changes we make in life—is that you don’t have to do it all at once.

Think of this as a months-long project, and accept that it will take you at least six months to a year to really revamp your beauty and personal care routines. That’s because if you want to make sustainable, lasting change, it should happen slowly. You need to get used to new habits, and new ways of shopping.

Several of the most impactful changes you can make (for both your own well-being and the health of our one-and-only-planet) will require you to pay attention, make tweaks, and give your hair or skin time to adjust as well.

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