Everyone on Instagram will soon be able to go live for four hours


Plus, they can view those streams in their archive

Instagram continues to focus on improving its live video experience, and today, it announced multiple small changes that’ll make streaming on the platform and then saving those live videos easier. The biggest update is that streamers are no longer limited to 60-minute broadcasts — they can go live for up to four hours. This extended timeframe will be available to all Instagram users globally, so long as they have no history of IP or policy violations.

People will also be able to view their own live streams in their private archive, similar to Stories and Posts, for up to 30 days after they air. They can choose to download the content and post it elsewhere. Finally, Instagram is adding a “Live Now” section to IGTV where people will find content to watch live at that moment.

Taken altogether, Instagram is clearly investing in live-streaming while the format is still hot because of the pandemic. In its release about the changes, the company mentions the longer live timeframe giving fitness instructors the ability to teach for longer as well as giving activists trying to connect with their community more time for conversation.

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