Platzi will award 100 scholarships to women in the area of technology


A recent study by LinkedIn maintains that in technology companies in Mexico, only 25% of the workforce is made up of women; while in the careers of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, they represent 30% of all students. This disparity prevails despite the fact that the incorporation of women into the technological world is key to guaranteeing diversity and innovation in the industry.

The positive side is that there are more and more initiatives that make it easier for women to acquire technological skills to improve their work profile. Online learning has played a relevant role in adding more women to the industry, since it allows them to acquire specific and applicable knowledge in an agile and convenient way for them.
In this sense, Platzi , a platform for professional education in technology, knows first-hand the growing interest of women in learning these topics, since in less than a year, the participation of women grew 128% on the platform.

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