35 Funny, Lighthearted Gifts for Men That’ll Make Him LOL


Let’s cut to the chase: Shopping for men is, quite possibly, among the most challenging tasks to ever exist. I’m not sure why, but picking out the *perfect* present for your boyfriend, dad, friend, coworker, or whichever male acquaintance feels like the Olympics of shopping. There are so many hurdles and questions to consider: What do they want? What do they like? What are they actually going to use? It’s overwhelming, OK?! And idk about you, but going the easy route with a gift card has its limits. Eventually, you wanna get the guy an actual gift with, like, some type of heartfelt value. But also, gift-giving doesn’t have to be so serious that you stress more about it than you enjoy it. That’s why funny gifts for men are the perfect compromise.

Think about it: A silly, not-too-serious gift is a great solution for when you’re not sure what to get ‘em, but you still want to communicate that you gave it enough thought. And of course, if he happens to be a truly funny guy who deserves an equally-as-hilarious present, then it works out even better. By getting humorous and down-to-earth with your gifts, you can break the ice and laugh together, and who doesn’t want those ~positive vibes~ when sharing a gift with someone?

But not all funny gifts for men are gag gifts—some are actually kind of, dare we say it, useful! Whether it’s an entertaining card game or a decorative pillow that speaks to his unique personality, there’s a thoughtful, light-hearted, and easy-to-shop-for gift out there for you (and we love the sound of that!). Keep scrolling for 35 funny gift ideas for men that will definitely earn a laugh—or at least a slight chuckle and sweet smile.

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